Vibes Up Diary 11.8.22

Vibes Up Diary 11.8.22

It's a beautiful day to be alive!


Today is a great day, because today we get a chance to chase our dreams and make our lives better.


Worked all day today and now it's 11pm and we're about to make some merch! I'm making some custom one of one designs for people who have reached out and said they've wanted one after putting the offer on instagram. I have an overstock of plain white tee's (hey there delilah) (song reference) and am really enjoying getting creative with them for you all.


If you'd like me to make you one, happily will do it - $20 + shipping and you'll have your own 1of1 custom designed by me !


Here's the lesson of the day - don't poison yourself. Be careful what you surround yourself with. Work on your mental strength and dont allow things into your life that cloud that.


Social media plays a huge role in this, unfollow the pages or people that arent contributing positively. If you see their post(s) and it affects you negatively - unfollow the page. 


Focus solely on the things that expand your mind and help you grow so that you can put all of your efforts in to the things that will propel your life forward.


Something that I have done on this, is if I'm working out, I'll listen to a podcast or watch a youtube video that teaches me something that I'm interested in or expands my mind on a new subject. I listen a lot to Max Out with Ed Mylett and RealAF with Andy Frisella. 


Another thing - read a book. I know I hated reading growing up, but over the past couple of years, I realized that reading is actually super beneficial to expanding our minds. Why sit in bed and scroll tik tok or mindless scrolling of social media, when you can feed your mind with something beneficial. 


A few books I've read this year:

- The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success ; Deepak Chopra

- Endure; Cameron Hanes

- Big Money Energy; Ryan Serhant

- The 48 Laws Of Power; Robert Greene

- Principles; Ray Dalio

- The Power Of One More; Ed Mylett


I'm currently reading "The Time Machine of Consciousness - Quantum Physics of Mind" by Menas C. Kafatos and Deepak Chopra. (I have to fully disclose that this book makes my brain hurt. massive words and explanations lol)


Point is, fill your life with beauty and things that make your life better - cut out the things that dont. 


You are in control of your life, and you are free to be yourself.


Thanks for being here - email if you want a custom white tee.


Keep Going,


Vibes Guy

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